Your feedback is very important to us. It has helped to provide the best quality in service and products. This is what some of our partners have to say:
I ordered 50 bee swarms on Dadant frames. Pros: the swarms on 4 frames were very powerful, 10 out of 10 for 40 of them and 9/10 for the rest. Very prolific queen bees, 10 out of 10. Very gentle bees, you can even work without a mask. Cons: the delivery was delayed by two weeks and some of the queens were not marked. That’s about it, I am looking forward to more future collaborations.
—Gheorghe Cristian (Beekeeper, Romania)
Note from ApiExpert: during the 2015 season, due to unfavorable weather conditions and a large number of orders, we had to delay all deliveries by 1 or 2 weeks. Regarding the marking, we used a water based marker (as opposed to solvent based markers, that can have a negative impact on the queen) that wasn’t very durable in time. We have now switched to a different type of marker, still water based, much more durable.
I have a “problem” with 2 out of the 3 queens: in spring I have to move them in boxes with 12 frames; the population virtually exploded during the month of August; there were 8 brood frames (5 of them capped). A beekeeper friend of mine couldn’t believe this until he saw them. For the winter the colonies were on 8 frames, now (in March) there are already 4 brood frames. We will definitely stay in touch.
—Costin (Beekeeper, Romania)
Many thanks for the Buckfast queen given to me for free last autumn. She already started laying eggs at the very beginning of January without any stimulation.
On January 11th, taking advantage of the unusually warm weather for this time of the year, I took a peak inside several of my colonies and, to my surprise, the swarm with this particular buckfast queen, even though it only has 4 frames, already had capped brood (a circular area of around 8 centimeters in diameter). If it keeps up like this it will develop into a strong colony very soon.
UPDATE: there are eggs, brood (larvae and capped brood) in abundance. This is a great development.
—Andrei (Beekeeper, Romania)
After doing a thorough research, I decided to work with ApiExpert as they seemed the most professional and trustworthy. After seeing their work methods, articles, information from the blog, I was convinced that they represent everything a beekeeper needs.
—Richard (Beekeeper, Romania)
We are more than happy with your service and the quality of your queens. We are planning on doing much more future business with you.
—Simon M.(Professional Beekeeper, UK)
I have also bought queens from ApiExpert. I placed one of them in a very small colony, or should I say “half colony”. It now has 12 frames and 5 brood frames. The other 10 queens were given only one frame of capped brood and one with young bees. They all have 6 frames now (I don’t have room for more in this boxes) with loads of bees and 3-4 brood frames.
—Cristi (Beekeeper, Romania)
I only have good things to say about ApiExpert
…. it was a very good harvest
—Ionut (Beekeeper, Romania)
I bought (more out of curiosity as I produce my own queens) 50 queens from ApiExpert. I don’t like to praise or to be praised, but I do not have anything to criticize about their queens and for the next Spring I ordered another 50 queens.
Also, I can’t say much about them as I have placed them in small swarms with only one or two frames in order do minimize the risk of the queens not being accepted. Now they have 6-8 frames, so they are still basically swarms, not full fledged colonies. The queens were marked when I received them, but on some of them I had to reapply as the marking had faded. This is not a negative aspect as I often find myself having to mark again my own queens. I’m looking forward to receive the next batch of queens from you, so I’ll stay in touch.
—Leontin (Professional beekeeper, Romania)
I am extremely satisfied with the quality of the queens and customer support from ApiExpert. My clients are also thrilled by the prolificity of the queens. Will definitely continue our collaboration.
—Kaido K. (Professional beekeeper and re-seller, Estonia)