Italian Queen Bees (Naturally Mated)


Italian Queen Bees, naturally mated with selected drones. We are currently accepting pre-orders for 2025. Shipping starts at the beginning of June.

Check out the Prices and Discounts for 2025.

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The main characteristics of the Italian Bees:

  • excellent productivity and honey yield
  • very prolific queens
  • less prone to swarm
  • very fast comb building
  • gentle and easy to work with
  • uses less propolis than other strains

For more details, please read our in-depth article from the blog about the Italian bees.

Price Discounts for Naturally Mated Queens

No. of Queens orderedPrice/unit (EUR)Shipping cost
5 - 2419Express Mail Service or UPS
25 - 4918Express Mail Service or UPS
50 - 9917Express Mail Service or UPS
100 - 19916Express Mail Service or UPS
200+15Express Mail Service or UPS