Bee Colonies (Families) on 10 Dadant Frames


Very strong bee colonies, with selected Queen Bees, suitable for excellent results during nectar flow.

The price for a bee colony depends on the quantity ordered. Check out the Prices and Discounts below. Shipping between 1 – 15 April.

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Select the Quantity and click Add to Cart. Minimum oreder: 4 units.

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Price Discounts for Bee Colonies on 10 Dadant Frames (Ships between 1 - 15 April)

No. packages orderedPrice/package (1.5 kg) (EUR)Shipping cost
5 - 24203Depends on quantity and destination.
25 - 49200Depends on quantity and destination.
50 - 99197Depends on quantity and destination.
100 - 199194Depends on quantity and destination.
200+191Depends on quantity and destination.